Welcome to your introduction to Portrait Retouching! Whether you’re an old pro or just starting out in Photoshop, this tutorial has something for you. In this tutorial, I go over my basic workflow that I use every time I bring photos into the computer and work on them from the RAW stage all the way through Photoshop to my finished product. I go over folder creation and asset management, RAW processing in Capture One Pro, initial clean up using Frequency Separation 2.0, Dodging & Burning, and working with curves to tone the image and apply color processing.
With this course you’ll receive the full 8-part tutorial series, the RAW and PSD files for the image we’re working on, as well as a select set of Photoshop Actions that I use to quickly set up some of the different Photoshop Layers I use on a regular basis.
Software Used:
- Capture One Pro 20 (You can use a similar RAW processing tool of your choosing such as Lightroom or Camera Raw)
- Adobe Photoshop
Included Assets:
- RAW File
- PSD File
- Photoshop Basic Action Set