Behind the Scenes: Soul Cycle x Lululemon


My BTS videos are always FREE, but be sure to enroll in the course for a one-time fee and get access to:

  • Gear List – see what I used to get the shot!
  • Image Gallery – see the final results of the BTS video!
  • Lighting Diagrams (PDF) – See EXACTLY how I lit, composed, and captured the images including light placements, modifier selections, and camera settings!
  • Pro Tips – Get exclusive insights from me on how I approach, light, compose, and capture my images.

I’ll be the first to admit that the first time I walked into a Cycling Studio as a photographer I was completely overwhelmed. The darkness, the reflective surfaces, the overcrowded room with bikes, the stage full of electrical equipment, and the doors and exit signs in the corners. It was BRUTAL! But, as a photographer one of your main job titles is problem solver and that’s why it’s awesome to have a grasp of composition and off camera lighting. Using creative angles and very simple lighting, I was able to overcome the issues and now I want to share those solutions with YOU in this course. Using one or two lights, I was able to capture images that the everybody (client, model, and me!) was happy with!

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson